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Question ID: 625681

An aeroplane equipped with irreversible flight controls:

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must be equipped with control locks.


may be equipped with simple spring type feel units on all flight controls.


is flown without an artificial feel system.


requires an artificial feel system.


Q-Feel, Hydraulic Feel or artificial feel systems are fitted to irreversible flight controls as this enables an opposing force to be applied when a deflection occurs on the surface of the aircraft.

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Question ID: 622570

In which locations are smoke detectors fitted in an aircraft?

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The APU and engines use fire detection loops to detect excessive heat to trigger the fire warning.
Other areas use more conventional systems, in the form of a smoke detector which if triggered will alert the flight deck and in the case of the toilets and crew rest areas also alert the cabin crew.
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Question ID: 129395

The ventilation system in a fuel tank

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Is where dump fuel is vented out of when required


Acts as an over fill drain pipe


Allows air in to the fuel tank to keep it cool


Prevents over pressure or excessive pressure in the tank


In a light piston engine aircraft it?s very important to ventilate the tanks.
The fuel consumption will lower the fuel level in the tank, and if air doesn?t enter the tanks, a vacuum (a depression) will be created, which could be a severe problem for the fuel pump to pump the fuel from the tank to the engine, resulting in an engine failure.

The right answer says to avoid overpressure, check the wording in your examination.

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Question ID: 120427

In an engine vibration monitoring system for a turbojet any vibration produced by the engine is

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inversely proportional to engine speed.


directly proportional to engine speed.


fed directly to the flight deck indicator without amplification or filtering.


amplified and filtered before being fed to the flight deck indicator.


An engine vibration monitoring system can warn the flight crew at a very early stage of any mechanical deficiencies in the rotating parts of a jet engine. Because the vibrations in a gas turbine engine are very low in comparison to a reciprocating engine, even the smallest, unusual vibrations can be picked up and investigated.

Vibration monitoring can rely on measuring the acceleration or displacement of the rotating parts of the engine via a magnetic sensor. However, on modern commercial aircraft, it is more common to measure the velocity amplitude through a seismic accelerometer working on the piezoelectric principle. Generally, not less than two accelerometers per engine are required to measure radial and transverse vibrations. The pilots can be aurally and/or visually warned of the high level of vibrations, as well as by directly reading the values over a vibration calibrated gauge (without any unit). Before the vibration signal is transmitted to the flight deck indicator, it is amplified and filtered so that only the unusual frequencies are transmitted.
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Question ID: 120069

Cabin differential pressure means the pressure difference between

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cabin pressure and ambient air pressure at MSL.


actual cabin pressure and selected pressure.


cabin pressure and ambient air pressure.


flight deck and passenger cabin.


Differential pressure is an important parameter to monitor. The maximum differential pressure normally allowed is 8-9 psi.

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Question ID: 120066

The purpose of the pack cooling fans in the air conditioning system is to

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supply the Passenger Service Unit (PSU) with fresh air.


cool the APU compartment.


supply the heat exchangers with cooling air during cruise flight.


supply the heat exchangers with cooling air during slow flights and ground operation.


Pack cooling fans are used to provide sufficient airflow to the air conditioning system when on the ground or in slow flight.

During normal flight, there is enough flow from ram air.

Explanation Provided by Matthew Ross

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Question ID: 119302

On most high by-pass ratio (fan) engines, reverse thrust is achieved by reversing

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the direction of both the exhaust gas flow (hot stream) and the fan airflow (cold stream).


the direction of rotation of the fan.


only the direction of the fan airflow.


only the direction of the exhaust gas flow.


Only the "Cold" bypass air is reversed. Something to bear in mind is that because the "Hot" thrust is not reversed, "Hot" forward thrust will increase during application of max reverse power. However, this is far outweighed by the increase in "Cold" reverse thrust.

Explanation Provided by Peter Begley

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Question ID: 119301

What is the correct sequence during the start of a turbine engine on the ground?

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Starter, rotation, ignition, fuel.


Rotation, ignition, fuel.


Starter, ignition, rotation, fuel.


Rotation, fuel, ignition.


Normal twin spool start sequence is,
N2 rotation (HP),
Igniters (ignition),
Fuel Flow (HPSOV or PRSOV),
Engine light up with rise in EGT,
self-sustaining speed,
starter off,
acceleration to idle.
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Question ID: 105873

The advantages of a gaseous oxygen source for the passenger cabin are

The combination regrouping all the correct statements is

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Don't get 'tripped up' by this question. The question is asking about gaseous oxygen systems in the passenger cabin. Most other questions and a lot of the theory you will have covered talks about the chemically generated oxygen system in passenger cabins.

Therefore the key benefits of the gaseous system over the chemically generated system are that it is able to be turned on or off (reversible functioning) and can regulate flow to provide more oxygen if need.

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Question ID: 105729

Which of these statements about a reaction turbine are correct or incorrect?

1) The pressure rises across the nozzle guide vanes.

2) The pressure rises across the rotor blades.

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1) is correct, 2) is correct.


1) is correct, 2) is incorrect.


1) is incorrect, 2) is incorrect.


1) is incorrect, 2) is correct.


Pressure never rises in turbine stages.

The vast majority of reaction turbines are impulse/reaction. this means that there will be a slight pressure drop in the NGVs and an associated rise in velocity. In the rotor, the pressure will drop further to give the reaction.

However. As per the Rolls Royce and Jeppesen Gas Turbine books, the correct answer has to be for this question, NGV straight, pressure constant, Rotor, Convergent, Pressure Drops.

If you want to query the question ask if they mean Impulse/reaction or pure reaction.
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Question ID: 105242

Static dischargers

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Static dischargers:

• Limit the risks of transfer of electrical charges between the aircraft, by dissipating the static charge of the aircraft in flight.
• Are placed on wing and tail tips to facilitate electrical discharge.
• Are located on wing and tail tips to reduce interference with the on-board radio communication systems to a minimum.
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Question ID: 105221

The purpose of static discharge wicks is to

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discharge static from the skin after landing.


reduce the likelihood of lightning strikes.


safely dissipate the static charge of the aircraft in flight.


eliminate radio interference.


Nothing reduces the likelihood of lightning strikes, other than avoiding thunderstorms, and even then it's not guaranteed. Generally lightning won't harm an aircraft too much, because of the bonding system, nothing to do with static dischargers. It's also the bonding system that prevents radio interference.
Static Dischargers are fitted to try and get rid of any static buildup on the aircraft in flight.

Explanation Provided by Peter Begley

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Question ID: 105218

The symbol 1 represents an ___ logic gate

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AND gates look like a Capital D with 2 inputs and one output.


Explanation Provided by Peter Begley

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Question ID: 105216

The symbol 4 represents an ___ logic gate

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The way I remember these is like this. All gates, except the NOT gate, have 2 inputs and one output. The AND gate looks like a capital D. The OR gate looks like a curvy D that an O would fit into, O for OR.
A little Circle o after the gate makes it an 'N' gate so NAND, NOR or NOT gates all have the little circle after them.
You only now need to remember that a NOT gate has one input and one output and is a Triangle with a little circle.
If you get any "Exclusive" gate questions, they are not in the learning objectives.


Explanation Provided by Peter Begley

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Question ID: 105003

A tubeless tire is a tire

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The tubeless tire is lighter by approximately 7,5 %. The inflation valve is integrated into a much more solid wheel, so there’s no risk to rip it out by the creep effect. Extra rubber covers the inner surface and the beads’ underside, which allows the tire to keep the gas pressure for much longer periods of time. This covering aims to maintain the gas pressure and form an almost hermetic seal on the wheel rim. Because there’s no tube, there’s no internal friction between the tube and the tire, and the risk of bursting the tire is much lower if it gets punctured.
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Question ID: 104961

Generally, on modern jet transport aeroplanes, if there is a complete hydraulic system failure, the landing gear can be extended by

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gravity extension.


alternate electrical extension.


alternate pneumatic extension.


hydraulic accumulators.


Landing gear can be deployed under the influence of gravity, however the doors will remain open as there is no power to retract them.

Explanation Provided by Sam Levick

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Question ID: 104960

The number in the annex that shows the RETRACTION ACTUATOR is

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number 4.


number 1.


number 2.


number 3.



Explanation Provided by Abdulrazzaq Majeed

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